Category: Northcote Chiropractic
Can Chiropractic help with a disc herniation in the spine?
We are continuing our understanding on disc herniations for condition of the month (COTM). We understand what a disc herniation is, what causes them, and what signs/symptoms show with them. For this blog, we’ll talk about what a chiropractor can do to help with a disc herniation.
From a Chiropractic perspective, there are several things we can do to help with a disc herniation. After conducting a thorough exam, we work on muscle regions that are tight and stiff. Muscles will become tight in a person with a disc herniation as people utilise other muscle groups to help with protecting the disc. We would apply soft tissue techniques, as well as using other physiological therapeutics to help with muscle tension.
As Chiropractors, we can perform spinal manipulation and mobilisations, however, this modality may not be suitable on the disc herniation site. This is due to the increased risk of exacerbating symptoms, depending on the disc herniation type. The more severe the herniation, the more likely we would refer over for medical intervention and imaging. We would instead, utilise a low force modality to help with proper movement around the region of pain, rather than work on the painful region.
Depending on what movements relieve or exacerbate symptoms depends purely on what exercises work best for a disc herniation. Since a disc herniation is generally caused by large amounts of force on the low back/neck with biomechanical dysfunction, it’s important that exercises are incorporated to not only help strengthen weak muscle groups, but also help improve mobility and stability, as well as develop physical cues towards proper biomechanical function.
It is crucial for a Chiropractor to apply a thorough examination as well as thoroughly listen and ask questions about the complaint. The more information we have, the more we can do to help provide care, as well as refer to the most appropriate healthcare professional if appropriate. Be sure to not take this as advice and ensure to seek a Chiropractor for further advice.